(printing hard copy suggested)
SETUP INSTRUCTIONS (Revised 12/31/01)
(Printing hard copy suggested)
1) On the tool bar Select (SETUP)
2) Choose the (COM) port you will be using.
3) Click (OK)
4) On the tool bar Select (SETUP)
6) Choose your weather station make and model
7) On the tool bar Select (SETUP) then (SETUP APRS)
9) At the top of the page choose (INTERNET DIAL UP CONNECTION) tab
10) In (INTERNET SETTINGS) box Choose (GET ISPs)
11) Click on the (DIAL UP CONNECTION) displayed this will automatically display your User-name and Password. Enter your password if one is not shown
12) If you have a permanent Internet connection Check (I HAVE A PERMANENT CONNECTION)
13) To have computer hang up after transmitting data Check (ALLWAYS DISCONNECT WHEN FINISHED) To prevent the FTP screen from appearing during data transmission remove the check (START WITH FTP PROGRAM VISIBLE FOR DEBUGGING FTP ERRORS).
14) Click (OK)
15) On the tool bar Select (SETUP) then (SETUP APRS).
16) At the top of the page Choose (APRS SET UP) tab.
17) In the (STATION ID) box Enter the personal CW number you received from NOAA. If you are a radio amateur Enter your call sign.
18) To determine your latitude and longitude use the link on the bottom of the page (CLICK HERE TO GO TO EAGLE MAP LOCATION PAGE). Make certain your address is correct on the Eagle map. From Eagle, your Deg: Min: Sec latitude will look like: 44:03:12.625N. To insure accuracy Copy and Paste this in the Latitude From Eagle box. Follow the same procedure with longitude. Click (CONVERT). Your latitude and longitude will appear in the proper format in the left hand boxes. (For example, 44:03:12.625N becomes 4403.20N and 73:15:23.868W becomes 07315.38W)
19) With the pre-set buttons in the (APRS DATA SEND TIMES) box enter how often your station will transmit data to NOAA. Or, using the hour and minute arrows in the (APRS SEND TIMES) box a custom twenty-four hour clock can be set up (00:00, 03:00 . 00:18, 00:21)
20) Switch must be in the (APRS ON) green, position.
21) Choose (TEST) computer will dial up Internet, transmit a weather string and disconnect
22) To determine if data was transmitted to the weather server use (CLICK HERE TO VIEW YOUR DATA)
23) Check both the accuracy of your data and your location on the test page map. If these are correct Click (OK). If your location is wrong or the form of the latitude and longitude is not similar to the example
shown in instruction (18) E-mail .
24) After these steps are successfully completed, send an e-mail, including your CW number (or amateur radio call sign if you used it for identification), nearest city and elevation (in meters), to requesting registration in APRSWXNET.
To determine elevation:, select map with 1:25,000 scale, to convert to meters multiply by .305 (2000 feet times .305 = 610 meters)
If you have an active APRS station it is not necessary to obtain a CW number. E-mail giving your call sign, nearest city and elevation.
Your data should start to appear on the NOAA web site in about two weeks.
To use the synchronize clock feature. On tool bar Select (SETUP) and then (ENTER OFFSETS AND RAINFALL). Check the Sync Time box.
Even the best barometers require regular correction. Every two weeks adjust your barometer to match readings of a local radio or TV station. When making this adjustment select a period of stable weather with little or no wind.
For answers to commonly asked questions see the FAQ sheet.
For help: E-mail
your comments to
*Weather-Display-Lite is the property of Brian Hamilton,