Amateur Radio Station
at the
National Hurricane Center

How to contact WX4NHC
Note: Some frequencies and modes are only attended by WX4NHC during a Hurricane.

Amateur Radio HF Frequencies - (single sideband mode)
20 meters : 14.325 MHz Hurricane Watch Net (Main frequency during Hurricanes)
40 meters : 7.268 MHz Water Way Net (secondary frequency) Maritime Mobiles Net
80 meters : 3.815 MHz Caribbean Net, (Alternates: 3.950 : North Florida / 3.940 South Florida)

Amateur Radio EchoLink / IRLP
EchoLink Conference: "WX-TALK" Node 7203
EchoLink Alternate Conference: "VKEMCOMM"
IRLP Node 9219, Alternate Node: 9508 or 9123

Amateur Radio VHF/UHF Frequencies

VHF : 147.470 MHz simplex - Coordination frequency for NHC ops. (official use only, please)
VHF : 147.000/146.400 repeater,  (146.925 backup repeater PL 94.8 Hz)
UHF : 444.600/449.600 repeater (PL 94.8 Hz)

APRS mode Frequencies
HF : 30 meters : 10.151 MHz (LSB)
VHF : 2 meters : 144.390 MHz simplex

Internet Home Page :
Online Hurricane Weather Report Form (stations in affected area only):
  WX4NHC Email :

Amateur Radio Coordinator:
John McHugh, K4AG Email:

Asst. Amateur Radio Coordinator:
Julio Ripoll, WD4R Email:

Information Flow Chart

WX4NHC QSL Card (click here)

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