photo: Rick Palm K1CE
(from left to right)
Julio Ripoll WD4R / Florida Governor Bush/ John
McHugh KU4GY
National Hurricane Conference 1999
Article from QST Amateur Radio
Magazine, June 1999
At the National Hurricane Conference in Orlando this spring,
Florida Governor Jeb Bush was on hand at the presentation
of Outstanding Achievement Awards to the Hurricane Watch Net and
the operators of WX4NHC (the National Hurricane Center station).
The Hurricane Watch Net is a voluntary hurricane tracking net
that collects and provides information between hams and the
National Hurricane Center whenever a hurricane threatens. The
net's primary frequency is 14.325 Mhz.
WX4NHC, staffed by volunteers, acts as a central collection point.
The conference featured a session on Amateur Radio's role in
hurricane disasters presented by Jerry Herman, N3BDW;
John McHugh, KU4GY; Steve Richbourg, KO4TT; Red Cross disaster
services communications coordinator Steve Hailey;
Rudy Hubbard, WA4PUP; John Fleming, WD4FFX; and Rick Palm, K1CE.
Dr. Mike Carter, N3PDK, moderated.
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